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Smokeless in Kuba Teil 2


Über die beschlossenen Restriktionen gegen Raucher in Kuba habe ich bereits geschrieben. In Cigar Aficionado Online findet sich ein sehr guter Kommentar unter «Havana Corner: No Smoking In Cuba?«; ein Textauszug:

And what about this year’s cigar festival beginning on February 21? Are we all going to be standing outside smoking on the curb during the seminars? Is the gala dinner going to be smoke-free? There won’t be much to celebrate then.

According to sources at Habanos S.A., the organizers of the event and international distributors for Cuban cigars, the show will go on as before. “You will be able to smoke wherever you want.”

Let’s hope they’re right because I will be in Cuba to enjoy a great cigar — along with another thousand or so individuals.

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